Embodied Quantum Healing

What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum Healing is an advanced psychic healing modality that works with readings and repairing the lightbody through transmission of high frequency light codes and rays. The lightbody is an energetic field surrounding our physical bodies, that holds all of the soul’s traumas, timelines, blueprints, mission codes, psychic gifts, and programming. By tapping into the lightbody, we are able to reveal and repair any cracks, leakages or blocks that may have been caused by past traumas or programming, reveal and remove implants and entity attachments, as well as activate and resurface gifts, blueprints and codes.
quantum healing

What to Expect

An embodied quantum healing session is a completely intuitively guided session, where the healing and messages that your soul needs in that moment are brought forth by direct connection to the Divine. The scope of what may come up in a session varies from person to person, depending on where you are in your personal healing and spiritual journey. Generally speaking, I will feel through your physical and lightbody, finding points of tension and energetic blockages. I run light codes to clear these blockages, which may bring up traumas from this lifetime, past timelines, psychic implants or fences, messages from your Guides, spiritual gifts and activations, Soul blueprints and missions, etc. I also incorporate embodiment and somatic release practices such as breathwork and guided inner child communication to facilitate a deeper healing and release, as I am guided. It is a process of Soul Remembrance and Retrieval and Light Body Repair, building your spiritual and energetic immunity.

Sessions are done online via video call, and last approximately 60-75 mins. You do not need to do anything other than be present and be open to receive.

It’s important to know that as we run these high frequency light codes through your energy body, there is more often than not a purging of lower energies that will need to take place. This can happen in session and/or within the days following. This is not for the faint at heart. When we clear these energies out, we are able to permanently heal traumas and remove harmful programming, but a huge part of that includes the work and integration that happens after and in between sessions. I strongly encourage you to be gentle with yourself as you’re going through an energetic purge, being present as you observe any thought and emotional patterns, and allowing them to move through you and release.

I am honored to be a part of your path.